General Session Minutes

September 14, 2005

Sunrise at Wigwam Homeowners Association

PO BOX 25466
TEMPE, AZ 85285
(480) 820-3451

Attendance: Keith Edwards, Glen Foulk, Paul Krey, and Peri Swenson from Kinney Management

  1. Called to order at 7:07 p.m.
  2. Approval of previous meeting minutes from March 2005.
  3. Reviewed Income Statement dated July 31, 2005
  4. Appointment of open board positions
    1. No additional HOA members applied for a board position. Board will continue with 3 members. Keith Edwards is President, Paul Krey is Secretary, and Glen Foulk is Vice President & Treasurer.
    2. Design Committee chairperson is Keith Edwards and will receive support from Kinney Management.
  5. Old Business:
    1. Granite replacement is 2/3rds complete on Litchfield Rd project. An extra 45 tons of granite at $1,200 approved to finish the project
    2. Drainage repairs underway in 3 breezeway locations
    3. Park area signage/ repairs / maintenance in process
  6. New Business:
    1. Landscaping regular maintenance is waning. Board approves getting bids from new landscapers. Landscapers from KMS will also submit a bid.
    2. Board authorized a newsletter for homeowners that will include a notice that the association will begin evening on street parking violation tours.
    3. The Board is considering a large park sign to display park rules. KMS to get quotes.
    4. Quotes for additional park lighting and wrought iron fencing at 143rd Ave. breezeway location reviewed
      • 12 single headed poles along the north and west perimeter of park and 6 double-headed poles in center area of park quoted at $45,446.00. Board found the cost too high.
      • Fencing was priced at $1,163.80. Board unanimously approves getting the fence pending approval of the fence’s painted finish.
  7. Open Discussion
    1. KMS has a new Community DVD to help educate homeowners about the HOA. Board unanimously agrees to add $2.50 to resale packets and include the DVD for new homeowners. Extra DVDs will be purchased by the community for homeowners with excessive violation warnings.
  8. Adjourned: 8:06 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Krey
Wigwam HOA Secretary