General Session Minutes

July 12, 2006

Sunrise at Wigwam Homeowners Association

PO BOX 25466
TEMPE, AZ 85285
(480) 820-3451

Attendance: Keith Edwards, Glen Foulk, Paul Krey, Lisa Juarez, Jason Kindred, and Peri Swenson from Kinney Management in Attendance

  1. Called to order at 7:03 p.m.
  2. Guest Speakers—City of Goodyear G.A.I.N. Event
  3. Election of Offices: Keith Edwards as President, Glen Foulk as Vice President, Paul Krey as Secretary, Lisa Juarez as Treasurer, and Jason Kindred as Member at Large.
  4. Review and approval of Annual Meeting Minutes from May 10, 2006—was unanimously approved.
  5. Review of Income Statement Dated June 30, 2006
  6. New Business:
    1. 2005 Compilation Review—The analyses was unanimously approved.
    2. Reviewed granite installation proposal on Wigwam Blvd. A motion to make the next installation of granite around the park instead of on Wigwam Blvd. was made and unanimously approved.
    3. Information regarding West Valley Homeowners Association was provided. The board felt the organization would provide useful information, but meetings were held in the middle of the day during the week and no board members would be able to attend.
  7. Old Business:
    1. Sand was added to tot lot on 7/11/06. Keith questioned whether there was enough sand added. Peri will have it checked.
    2. Park bench was added to the tot lot area.
    3. Palm tree trimming was complete.
    4. Update on park area signage/repairs & maintenance.
      • Ramada was power washed and the table was painted.
  8. Open Discussion
    1. New signage was proposed. Paul Krey and a member from the community felt that the line, "No competitive club or school teams are permitted to use the park for practice or play" might be confusing.
      A motion to accept text for new signage was made by Keith. Park signage was approved 4 to 1. The text was later changed to satisfy all board members. It is as follows:

      Park hours are from Sunrise until 10:00 P.M.


      1. No glass containers are permitted in the park. 2. Pets must be on a leash at all times. OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING UP AFTER THEIR PETS.
      3. No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, wheeled or motorized vehicles permitted in landscaped areas of the park.
      4. No golfing in the park.
      5. No competitive club or school teams are permitted to use the park for practice or play. The association must approve any other request for use.
      6. Any damage caused to landscape or community property will be billed to the responsible homeowner per Article 10, Section 10.4 of the CC&R’s. Vandalism or trespass will result in prosecution in accordance with all applicable laws.

      The Sunrise At Wigwam Community Park is restricted to use by the Sunrise At Wigwam residents and their
      guests only. Residents must accompany guests while in the park.

  9. Adjournment at 8:24 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Krey
Wigwam HOA Secretary