General Session Minutes

September 12, 2007

Sunrise at Wigwam Homeowners Association

PO BOX 25466
TEMPE, AZ 85285
(480) 820-3451

Attendance: Glen Foulk, Lisa Juarez, Paul Krey, Tyler Dixon, and Peri Swenson from Kinney Management.

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
  2. Review and unanimous approval of meeting minutes from July 11, 2007.
  3. Review and acceptance of the income statement dated July 31, 2007.
  4. New Business:
    1. Reviewed quote for $1,200 and unanimously approved the tile roof replacement of the ramada.
    2. Reviewed the quote for $17,906 to extend the height of the common wall along Litchfield Rd. It was found that the wall could only support one more course of block that would not significantly affect sound and dust. Cost was also prohibitive. No action was taken.
    3. Discussion on the 2008 Operating Budget.
      • There will be a $35 increase in the fee for photos documentation along with CC&R's attorney violations and ongoing storage costs for HOA documents. The 2008 Operating Budget will be presented for approval at the November meeting.
    4. It was unanimously agreed upon to revise the request form for the Design Review Committee to a more through 3-page form.
  5. Old Business:
    1. GAIN event will be October 20th. Website will give more information for those interested in participating.
    2. No action was taken on the yellow turf in the park. Testing resources changed during the issue making the cost $1,800 to test. The turf has since come back and the board does not believe it is an ongoing problem.
  6. Open Discussion
    1. Several community members showed up and were appreciated for their input.
    2. Compliments were made about the current landscaping maintenance.
    3. The next street to receive rock will be 144th in the first quarter of 2008.
    4. Concerns of too many renters were brought up again. Peri estimated about 10% of the community are renters, and that there wasn’t enough response from the community survey to change the CC&R’s to add restrictions.
    5. Missing trees in common areas were mentioned and noted for replacement.
    6. A complaint was made about a utility truck being parked on the street overnight.
    7. A request was made to create an HOA meeting sign to be put at both entrances of the neighborhood. Peri will get quotes. A volunteer will be needed to put up the signs and store them when not in use.
    8. The board decided that a notice should be sent to homeowners about replacing any dead or nearly dead trees from front yards as per the CC&R's.
  7. Adjournment at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Krey
Wigwam HOA Secretary